
Five poems

The Lord God called out . . . “Where are you?” 
                                                     (Gen. 3:9)

Where are you:
Eve asks

from his flank 
and dark dread 
You built me 
him You kneaded 
him You breathed 
me You built 
from him 
and now 
You ask 
where are you 


Where are you:
Sarah asks

 age withered 
from crescent’s fertile 
to famine land 
to Pharaoh’s bed 
from Abraham’s 
for Hagar’s son 
and now 
at ninety

and Sarah 
will bear 
your seed

who would 
not laugh 
even at His 
and only now 
from my tent 
does He seek 
where is 
your wife 


Where are you:
for Rachel and
Jacob, too

in your father’s 
blind night 
and brother’s rage 
you sought Him 
on stone pillow 
at ladder’s foot 
you sought Him 
at the well 
you sought me 
in my sister’s bed 
you did not 
cry out 
where are you 
on the road to Efrat 
you buried me 
long after 
when a voice 
was heard in Ramah 
you were no more 
He alone 
heard me 
our children 
shall return 
but you 
where are you 

Where are you:
Hannah asks

You saw 
You knew 
for my barrenness

in seeing 
in knowing 
You did 
not ask 
where are you

in barrenness 
I sought You 
Your holy 
into Your presence

You needed 
a prophet 
to get with child 
a redeemer


in Your holy 
I found You 
forced a contract

got my baby 
who gave You 

couldn’t You 
find Your way 
to me


Where are you:
Yeshu asks

after all 
you are 
still asking 
after the wise men 
stars and animals 
after Tabor 
Moses radiance 
after the crowds 
I brought 
to mountain teaching 
after Torah learning 
from My 
fishes loaves 
watery wine 
after all 
and more 
what was 
never imagined 
by Israel 
after the flesh 
found its way 
to your lips 
my God 
my God 
why hast 
Thou forsaken me 
who did 
you say 
you were