Authors /
Whitney Jones
Whitney Jones writes for Religion News Service.
U.S. hunger rate still at historic high
The number of Americans struggling with hunger remained stable in
2009 despite the economic downturn but at the highest recorded level,
according to new federal figures....
Conservatives send a warning shot in ousting Iowa judges
(RNS) Three of the seven justices on the Iowa Supreme Court who voted to
legalize same-sex marriage last year lost their jobs on Tuesday (Nov....
Craving forgiveness, but choosy in giving it
Most Americans have a desire for more forgiveness in their lives, but
they are more critical when choosing whom to forgive, according to a
new survey....
Air Force Academy cites progress in tackling religious intolerance
WASHINGTON (RNS) A recent survey on the religious climate of the
U.S. Air Force Academy showed that 41 percent of non-Christian cadets...
U.S. is feeling charitable, just not through churches
(RNS) Americans are being more generous to religious charities, but why
are they skimping on their giving to churches?
U.S. Sikhs urge Obama to visit Golden Temple, despite rumors
(RNS) American Sikhs are urging President Obama to visit the famed
Golden Temple in India next month, despite his administration's reported...
Gays in the armed forces: Israelis say ‘no problem’
Israel, like the United States, is a largely secular society with
deep religious roots. And Israel, like the U.S., is home to vocal...
U.S. disputes claim that Islam is invalid faith
Islam is a valid religion that is entitled to constitutional
protection, says a U.S. attorney who stepped into a debate about a
proposed mosque and Islamic center in Tennessee....
Courts uphold teen's piercing, religious license plates
(RNS) Two federal courts have issued strong defenses of religious
expression in two separate decisions, one involving a teenager's nose
piercing and the other a license plate....
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