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Luke Timothy Johnson
Luke Timothy Johnson teaches at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta.
Luke Timothy Johnson wants us to read Paul in all his complexity
“What advantage do we gain by possessing a Pauline theology that lies outside and above his writings?”
Reading Romans
Those paying the $90 price for this commentary in the distinguished Hermenia series can scarcely complain that the book was lightly tossed off....
The lost Judas
The media campaign surrounding publication of the ancient Gospel of Judas has been launched with a television broadcast and two books sponsored by the National Geographic Society. In situations of this sort, Christians wonder: Should they ignore the commotion? Should they work themselves into a froth of defensive denial? Should they embark on a fundamental rethinking of Christian convictions? Deciding how to respond is made more difficult because it is exceedingly hard to find honest brokers of the facts. Fortunately, the editors and essayists of The Gospel of Judas avoid exaggeration and seek to inform more than entertain. The same can’t be said of the other book published by the National Geographic Society, Herbert Krosney’s The Lost Gospel.
Textbook case
Public schools have been a primary battleground between the despisers and defenders of religion....
Teaching theology in context: Learning together
In the fall of 1998 Candler School of Theology made a serious wager concerning its future: it launched a comprehensive new program in contextual education....
Homosexuality, marriage and the church: A conversation
Few topics are as divisive in churches these days as homosexuality....
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