What is the Bible for?

Encountering the Divine through story and thought

What’s the Bible for? We asked dozens of writers to respond to this question in seven words or less, as well as to expand on their response in a few sentences. To see all of the responses together as they are posted, bookmark this page.

Encountering the Divine through story and thought

After my last read-through of the Bible, I felt defeated. I know that our Amma is pure love—yet, despite my most nimble attempts, I could not theologize into submission these stories of a bloodthirsty God. Years ago, I dismissed the practice of reading the Bible with the goal of receiving a personal message, but recently I’ve reclaimed it. Listening for what God is saying to me helps me discern truth even in bellicose trappings.

Dawn Araujo-Hawkins

The Century's news editor is a firm believer in Shine Theory, Black Girl Magic, and a nonviolent atonement.

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