Sue Park-Hur named MC USA's director of racial-ethnic engagement

Mennonite Church USA announced that Sue Park-Hur will fill the denomination’s newly created director of racial-ethnic engagement position. Park-Hur had been MC USA’s denominational minister of transformative peacemaking.
According to a press release, the new position was created to help leaders in the country’s largest Mennonite denomination define its diversity, equity, and inclusion goals as well as its standards and desired outcomes.
In addition to her work with MC USA, Park-Hur is the cofounder of ReconciliAsian, a Los Angeles–based peace center that teaches conflict resolution and reconciliation in Korean American churches and communities. She is also the former co-lead pastor of Mountain View Mennonite Church in Upland, California, and she helped plant the Church for Others in Temple City, California—the first Korean Mennonite church on the West Coast.