
Do we still need institutions?

Yes, says Yuval Levin. But only if they serve a formative function.

Theological ethicist James Gustaf­son believed that one way to understand a particular theology or philosophy is to identify the problem it is trying to solve. In his latest book, political philosopher Yuval Levin sees the problem bedeviling America as the atrophy of our social institutions. And the subtitle—which may set some kind of record for length—clearly identifies what Levin believes to be the solution: “recommitting to our institutions.”

That may be a tough sell these days. For many people, institution has become a negative word, even a triggering word. Institutions can be, and all too often are, disappointing. Sometimes they are crushing.

But not always. Institutions, which Levin describes as durable “forms of association” that are “by their nature formative,” can also be the environments within which people find guidance, direction, belonging, and security.