Recent police violence against Black people, conflicts over monument removal, and actions by emboldened White supremacists have motivated people of faith to re-engage conversations about racism and specific actions to bring about needed change. It can be difficult to know where to begin the conversation.
Therefore, the Century is offering this free resource for pastors, church leaders, Sunday School teachers, and individuals interested in pursuing guided study. This 14-page downloadable guide offers articles from the Century's archives, study questions meant to spark thought and conversation, and specific actions steps to pursue. It is divided into two parts: 1) Think about racism, your role, and how you want to help bring about change, and 2) More steps to alleviate racism.
We invite you to share this resource with others who may be interested. You may want to video chat, email or talk with them about it or you can choose to use this guide in your personal study. You may also like to participate in the Century's Facebook discussion group to share your ideas, learnings, reactions, or suggestions with others.
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