Two uncles
War without end: For my father, WW2 was never over
Come slowly, Lord Jesus
A violent sorting out: Middle East expert Joshua Landis
God in ordinary words: How the Bible speaks of the divine
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, by Nina Sankovitch
Nina Sankovitch explores the meaning and value of letters in our post-postal age.
Ask a mortician
Morticians haven't charged too much, they've done too much. With this precisely correct claim, Caitlin Doughty earns her contrarian stripes.
Lucy Stone, by Sally G. McMillen
Psalms, by Walter Brueggemann and William H. Bellinger Jr.
What are the best Psalms commentaries for Christian exposition? Walter Brueggemann and William Bellinger's book deserves a place alongside Clinton McCann and James Mays.
Saying No to Say Yes, by David C. Olsen and Nancy G. Devor
Tailings: A Memoir, by Kaethe Schwehn
Kaethe Schwehn's memoir of loss, quest, and initiation begins by introducing the special spiritual geography of Holden Village.
Can a Renewal Movement Be Renewed? by Michael Kinnamon
Michael Kinnamon raises key questions about the ecumenical movement and its need for renewal. He's ideally positioned to propose answers.