How I learned to love worshiping via video call
I'm immunocompromised. My ability to attend worship has long been determined by the CDC.

On a Sunday morning last December, the FaceTime notification sound chirped on my phone at 9:30 a.m. When I tapped the glass, there was a live view of my church’s sanctuary, beautifully decorated for Advent—but sideways, with the stained-glass windows seemingly on the floor. This sideways view of the sanctuary was alternating with a way-too-close-up view of my pastor’s nasal passages (some things cannot be unseen!) followed by her labored breathing and finally by, “I’m trying to set up my tripod to FaceTime you into worship!”
“The church is upside down and sidewise,” I helpfully volunteered.
“I know!” she shot back, frustrated and already late for the adult forum between worship services.