It’s time for me to let go of some books
When Christian practice (de)forms us
Do practices make us better people? Lauren Winner isn't so sure.
Christians are hospitable because Jesus is Lord
An evangelical case for pluralism
A Jewish and Christian commentary on Luke’s gospel
Amy-Jill Levine and Ben Witherington’s dialogue is most illuminating when the co-authors disagree.
Poetry for a world that’s falling apart
Jeremiah Webster charts a via negativa in verse.
James Cone and the liberating spirit of blackness
In his final memoir, Cone’s testimony resounds.
A remarkable commentary on the Qur’an and the Bible
Gabriel Said Reynolds puts the two sacred texts into respectful, honest conversation.
American houses built on sand
Barbara Kingsolver shows that without truth, foundations crumble.
Take & read: New books in global Christianity
Faith’s core and its manifestations across cultures
Good reading and the good life
Reading books is a virtuous act.
Take & read: New books in practical theology
Pastoral, prophetic, and political
Take & read: New books in American religious history
An ever-renewing narrative of community formed by difference
Christian Wiman’s stubborn, slippery faith
We need faith, Wiman suggests, because poetry isn't enough.
What wondrous poems are these
James Crews's poetry is at once ecstatic, skeptical, and hopeful.

What book would you describe as beautiful?
10 writers respond.
Zora Neale Hurston brings us the voice of a former slave
Hurston's singular ear for the beauty of speech and memory brings Cudjo Lewis's story to life.
Take & read: New books in New Testament
Can we read scripture critically and theologically at the same time?
Two ways of being Christian and pro-choice
Is abortion only the lesser of evils, or can it be a moral good?
Surgery scene and mystical floating pieces, by Denise Klitsie
The life of faith takes practice
Compassion in the church—and the mosque, and the temple
The power of Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony
Bethel AME Boston’s response to sexual violence in the community
Episcopal Church backs new Lakota translation of prayer book
Funding liturgical translations also helps preserve indigenous languages at risk of being lost.
Syrian migrants build bridges with Swiss church
Anna Shammas and Rami Ziadeh are founders and pastors of an Arabic-speaking United Methodist congregation that reaches out to other migrants—and to the German-speakers in the church.
Global Peace Forum on Korea brings together diplomats, church leaders, and activists
It was the first time diplomats from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea joined such an event.
U.S. Catholic bishops take steps to respond to sexual abuse crisis
Critics called on the bishops to allow outside investigators full access to church sexual abuse records and support changes to statutes of limitations.
Russian Orthodox challenge plan to grant autonomy to church in Ukraine
The church in Ukraine has been tied to the Moscow Patriarchate for hundreds of years, although many Ukrainian parishes have split off over the past two decades.
Israel to approve immigration for 1,000 Ethiopian Jews
Israel is home to approximately 144,000 Jews of Ethiopian descent, the majority of whom immigrated to Israel in the 1980s and 1990s.
New Testament and preaching scholar Gail O’Day dies at age 63
O’Day was known for her integrity in biblical interpretation.
Vatican and China make deal on bishops
The development comes nearly seven decades after the Holy See and Beijing severed official relations.