Room for refugees? A Johannesburg church opens its doors: A Johannesburg church opens its doors
In the movie District 9, an alien spaceship stalls in the skies above Johannesburg. After three months with no communication, South Africans decide to board the ship, only to find a million aliens who need rescuing. They move them to District 9, an area that’s a cross between a township and a refugee camp. But eventually the welcome for the aliens grows thin; the government forcibly relocates them to a remote area and brutally enforces their separation from the rest of the population.
Family feud: Politics in a small church
When I arrived as pastor at Beech Grove United Methodist Church, the community was bitterly divided because one member was running against another to be county commissioner. The primary issue in the campaign was whether to zone Beech Grove Road, on which sat Beech Grove Church. Issues of class weren’t far behind. Those in favor of zoning wanted progress, growth, economic opportunity—and viewed their opponents as squirrel-eating backwoods rednecks.
Storyteller: Nashville artist David Olney
For over 30 years singer-songwriter David Olney has been a fixture in the Nashville music scene. His songs grow out of the storytelling branch of American roots music and include some of a spiritual nature, such as “Jerusalem Tomorrow.” His compositions have been performed by many artists, in cluding Emmylou Harris, Steve Earle, Johnny Cash and Linda Ronstadt. Olney is a Presbyterian.
Body counts: The dark side of Christian history
Sister Moon: Family time with St. Francis
The Book of Eli
As soon as you hear the title, you can probably guess what kind of film The Book of Eli is going to be. Yes, it is the story about a man named Eli (played by Denzel Washington, who is also one of the film’s producers), who has a book; it is also about the Bible, which in this case seems to provide not a set of beliefs but simply the hope that humanity has a future.
The Trauma Myth: The Truth about the Sexual Abuse of Children—and Its Aftermath
Kingdom of the sick
A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith
A bill about life: The larger moral picture
Treasure box: A beloved monk's collection
Martyrs in the family: What Seoul and Kampala have in common
Did Ratzinger mishandle Wisconsin case? Accused priest continued to work with children: Accused priest continued to work with children
German Protestant church issues apology for sexual abuse by clerics: "We ask the victims for forgiveness"
Churches weigh in on health-care reform: Legislators and their churches differ
Century Marks
State of poverty: Bread for the World has an online resource providing state-by-state information on hunger and poverty (see “State Hunger Facts” in the resources section at offeringofletters.org)—a great comparative tool. In Illinois, 11.1 percent of households struggle to put food on their table, compared to 17.4 in Mississippi and 14.6 nationally; 12.2 percent of households in Illinois live below the poverty line compared to 21.2 in Mississippi and 13.2 nationally.