Evolution and sacrifice: Cooperation as a scientific principle
Julie and Julia
The title of Nora Ephron’s Julie and Julia equalizes its two plots: there is one about how Julia Child came to publish Mastering the Art of French Cooking and thereby alter the American palate, and there is one about Julie Powell’s efforts four decades later to cook her way through Child’s cookbook. But in truth these stories aren’t remotely on the same footing.
The Future of Faith
The Eucharist and Ecumenism: Let Us Keep the Feast
5 essential books on John Calvin
Social Ethics in the Making: Interpreting an American Tradition
5 essential books on Paul
In addition to its roundup of book reviews, the Century's fall books issue features works that guest critics consider to be essential reading on three topics: John Calvin, Paul and preaching. A. Katherine Grieb's essential books on Paul are: Paul and His Letters (second edition), The Writings of St. Paul, Our Mother Saint Paul, Rereading Paul Together: Protestant and Catholic Perspectives on Justification, and A Shorter Commentary on Romans. Read her comments here.
Predestination: The American Career of a Contentious Doctrine
7 essential books for preaching
The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public
A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church: Memoirs of a Catholic Archbishop
Nightwatch/Mennonite in a Little Black Dress
Olive Kitteridge
Too Much Happiness: Stories
Take and read
Take and read
Big-box values
Take and read
Words and miracles: Realities outside the text
Time's up: Jimmy Carter is on to something
Boldly humble: And humbly bold
Tools of the trade: A writer's necessities
'Values voters' see little value in medical reform: "It's not the government's job"
Century Marks
God for a change: The Shona people of Zimbabwe have many names for God. Janice McLaughlin's favorite is Chipindikure, which means "the One who turns things upside down." It comes from the word kupinduka, which means "to be uprooted." Says McLaughlin, a longtime Maryknoll missionary: "What an amazing concept to explain God's presence in the often unwanted and unplanned changes that happen to us throughout our lives" (Ostriches, Dung Beetles, and Other Spiritual Masters, Orbis).