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Samuel Wells
Samuel Wells is the vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London and author of Humbler Faith, Bigger God.
The grace of identity
We tend to think of identity as either fixed or chosen. What if it’s bestowed and revealed, relational and dynamic?
Forerunners like John
Not everyone who makes a difference in the world gets the credit—or seeks it.
Microdrama in Trafalgar Square
It happened in 20 seconds. I pondered it for days.
Mourning prayer
The church’s old cork board reminded me that our heartbroken cries go directly to God.
In an age of isolation, what does it mean to belong?
Educator and activist Kim Samuel calls readers to recognize the gift (and necessity) of one another.
What does it mean to be an inclusive church?
Being a community means welcoming those with diverse views, not cocooning oneself with like-minded people.
How might God bless a divided America?
On a recent trip to the US, I went to church—and found myself pondering three liturgical moments.
Faith, hope, love, and AI
Our different responses to artificial intelligence point to different stories—and different Christian virtues.
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The emotion standing in the way of peace
Anger can be both healthy and helpful. Rage offers only destruction.
How we can and can’t help
When my household took in some Ukrainian refugees, we had no idea how their story would end.
Choosing solidarity with God
In a sense, I am asking my parishioners the same thing John Wesley asked: Are you going on?

An unfolding drama of awakening
John Haught dismantles the impoverished reasoning of most contemporary cosmology.
Lessons from downsizing my office
As I worked my way through old files and photos, I met with three kinds of sadness.
The Word became relationship
Christianity is, finally, a story in which communication prevails over violence.