Monday digest
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New today from the Century:
- Thomas G. Long on Christopher Hitchens, idol smasher: "Christopher Hitchens was an unrelenting unbeliever to the end. But Ross
Douthat claims that everything about Hitchens points to an embrace of
life and a refusal to give in to despair." (subscription required) - Lauren F. Winner reviews Elizabeth Clark's book on the discipline of early church history (subscription required)
- New CCblogger MaryAnn McKibben Dana on whether or not the internet kills community
- Phyllis Kersten blogs the lectionary
In the news:
- Re-branding a religion is hard to do, and not always successful
- NYPD's Muslim surveillance extended well beyond New York
- In Cameroon, faith leaders fear expansion of extremism from Nigeria
- Repairs, funds are slow-going at quake-damaged National Cathedral
- Richard Dawkins says he's not entirely sure God doesn't exist