"That would be like if Christians went places and built churches"
I always enjoy watching Jon Stewart go after Fox News. Sure, it’s like
shooting fish in a barrel, but when the shooter’s hilarious and the
fish have been hard at work misinforming America and playing to its
worst instincts, it’s a satisfying sight.
This clip on Fox’s
coverage of Islam is particularly good. Sean Hannity accuses the Obama
administration of “turn[ing NASA] upside its head” by using it for
Muslim-world outreach, so Stewart shows a 1985 clip of President Reagan
articulating similar goals for NASA and U.S.-Soviet relations. Later he
looks at Fox’s more-than-a-little-biased coverage of tensions that
exist within some U.S. communities whose Muslim residents have the
audacity to exercise their constitutional right to worship as they
please. Priceless stuff:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Wish You Weren't Here | ||||