Monday digest
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New today from the Century:
- Jesse James DeConto on the Wild Goose Festival
- Shawnthea Monroe blogs the lectionary
- Lou Carlozo on LaSalle Street Church's CD (subscription required)
- Ryan Dueck starts a new job by officiating at a memorial service
Links from elsewhere:
- William Saletan on anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller's experience on the receiving end of guilt by association.
- Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association agrees with Anders Behring Breivik's analysis, just not his actions.
- Jeff Sharlet is tweeting his way through Breivik's 1,500-page manifesto.
- The Republicans might let the president downsize the Pentagon, if only he wanted to.
- In besieged Mormon colony, Mitt Romney's Mexican roots
- Smart Virginia Heffernan post on social media's fictional places
- Mark Bittman: tax junk food and subsidize produce. Tom Laskawy: it's complicated.