Guest PostLink digest By Steve Thorngate January 21, 2011ShareShare on TwitterShare on FacebookEmail to a friendPrint Subscribe to the Century editors' link blogging by feed. It's not going to be easy for the Republicans to keep their spending-cuts promises. Would the founders really have opposed health-care reform's individual mandate? Rep. Weiner spells it out, relatively calmly by his standards: a drinking game about GOP lies on health-care reform. A church-based 12-step program for gays and lesbians. A diocesan leader: "It's not about therapy and not about activism...It's about support." From the Columbia Journalism Review, a cool new resource on web-only news sources. No, abortion is not like slavery. Why commercial radio stations fears low-power FM radio. This ought to be interesting: "baptism lite." A beautiful remembrance of Sarget Shriver. Steve Thorngate The Century managing editor is also a church musician and songwriter. All articles »