Ready for communion: Living in holy space

It takes longer to set up for worship with the “help” of two-year-old Claire, so Pastor Johnson arrives early on this Sunday when her husband is on call. After a quick game of hide-and-seek, Claire discovers the not-so-secret hiding place for the hex wrench. After unlocking the door, it’s off with the coats and on to more hide-and-seek as mother and daughter locate elusively placed light switches. In the kitchen they pour water into two identical pitchers pulled from the fleet of pitchers in the cupboard under the drawer that holds the coffee creamer and filters. Then down the aisle to the font, where most of the water makes its way into a marble basin. The paraments are green. Check. The bulletins are out. Check. Alvin, always the first to show up, arrives and chats while plugging in the coffee pots.
A half hour before worship Pastor Johnson and Claire trot down to the nursery, which is dark. Supposing that the attendant must be running late, Pastor Johnson leads Claire back up to the sanctuary and marks the scriptural readings. Together they ensure that the acolytes’ torches have enough wick, grab a glass of water, and make an emergency trip to the potty. Then one of the ushers snags Claire to hand out bulletins. “Thank you!” says Pastor Johnson as she flies down to the nursery where . . . it’s still dark. She throws on her alb, stole, and microphone, and wonders where Claire is going to be during worship. As she emerges from her office, she sees Hannah, a high schooler. “The nursery is dark . . . worship starts in five . . . can Claire sit with you?” Pastor Johnson pleads.
Fast forward to communion. Hannah brings Claire up to her mama’s side of the sanctuary, which Claire’s dad would have avoided because of Claire’s tendency to yell out, “I want my mama!” when in close proximity.