How Augustine responded to the problem of evil without solving it
Flannery O’Connor’s letters with Caroline Gordon and other friends
Two new collections add to the landmark volume The Habit of Being.
Take & read: Practical theology
New books that are shaping conversations about practical theology
Hope, oppression, and Ta-Nehisi Coates
Can Christian hope survive the onslaught against black life?
The fundamentalists, the modernists, and the oil they both swam in
Darren Dochuk shows how oil and American Christianity have long shaped each other.
Simone and André the obscure
The Weil siblings and the dense worlds of their minds

Children’s books for tough conversations
We asked 11 writers to tell us about a book that opens up space for adults and children to discuss important questions.
Take & read: American religious history
New books that are shaping conversations about American religious history
Pastoral care that meets addiction at its source
Sonia Waters sees pain and trauma at the heart of this particular type of soul sickness.
A school of death
Colson Whitehead dramatizes a horrifying piece of historical reality.
Take & read: Global Christianity
New books that are shaping discussions about global Christianity
In bondage to guns
Life in America has been changed by gun culture.
Back to Margaret Atwood’s Gilead
The Testaments returns to the world of The Handmaid’s Tale. Is this a good idea?
Take & read: New Testament
Recent books that are shaping discussions in New Testament studies
Candida Moss asks what bodily resurrection means
How early Christians thought about bodies and how we do