How local governments punish poor people with fines
A barbershop births a church of drug users, ex-cons, and homeless folks
The precarious position of evangelical women celebrities in the church
Two glimpses into Judaism in America
Steven Weisman looks at the development of the Reform movement. Jack Wertheimer focuses on the present and future.

Books we’re giving
A sneak peek at the CC staff’s Christmas gift list
The deep roots of America’s enchantment with capitalism
Eugene McCarraher explains how money became our object of worship.
Why are rural white Americans willing to prioritize cultural whiteness above all else?
Jonathan Metzl offers useful data and analysis, if not much empathy.
For women in the church, not nearly enough has changed
Kate Bowler explores the world of evangelical Christian women celebrities
A former Jehovah’s Witness tells her story
Amber Scorah’s memoir has a breathless quality that makes it compulsively readable.