Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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c. 2012 St. Louis Post-Dispatch ST. CLAIR, Mo....
As contract talks broke down between Albert Pujols and the
Cardinals, St. Louis baseball fans began nervously asking themselves a
Three years after a gunman opened fire and killed six people at a
City Council meeting in Kirkwood, Missouri, pastor David A. Holyan found
(RNS) According to Air Force data, no training program is more popular
among prospective chaplains than Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary,
ST. LOUIS (RNS) The people of south Sudan are voting this week on
whether to split Africa's largest country in two and form the world's
A military chaplain serves as both a religious leader and a
listener—ideally one who can assist military personnel of all faiths. A
When is a church convention more than just another church convention?...
Just across from the Gephardt Institute for Public Service at
Washington University in St. Louis, employees are moving into a new
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod has elected the denomination’s director of disaster response as president, a candidate backed by its more conservative members....
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