Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Faith leaders renew push for 'accurate' Black history education in Florida
Faith leaders in Florida and their supporters are redoubling efforts to ensure Black history is taught widely and truthfully in reaction to the state’s rejection of an Advanced Placement course on ...
Historic sermon by Gina Stewart at joint Black Baptist meeting draws cheers, controversy
Gina Stewart has been known for breaking barriers in Black Baptist circles.
...Religious donors keep giving to houses of worship and beyond amid inflation
Religious people in the US are continuing to give to their houses of worship—and to other causes—with money and in-kind donations despite rising costs for daily living, a new report shows.
...Pope Francis to join other clergy at first 'Faith Pavilion' at climate summit
Pope Francis is set to speak at the inauguration of the first-ever “Faith Pavilion” during the upcoming 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference in the United Arab Emirates.
...Faith groups get total of $92 million for innovative programs for children
Dozens of Christian groups seeking to instill faith in the nation’s children have been given grants of as much as $1.25 million to help them meet their mission.
...Ouster of Saddleback and Fern Creek from SBC over women pastors is affirmed
Delegates to the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting affirmed a decision to expel two Southern Baptist churches, including Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in Orange County, California, bec...
Biden administration seeks to rescind Trump-era rule about faith on campus
Does a Trump-era rule protect religious belief of students at public colleges and universities or cause discrimination against...
Docuseries on Black church highlights history, links to biblical orthodoxy
A new docuseries featuring Black clergy and scholars aims to explore the resilience of the Black church and highlight how many...
Prayers and promises of reform at Tyre Nichols's funeral
Tyre Nichols, the 29-year-old Black man fatally beaten by police officers after a traffic stop in Memphis, Tennessee, was mour...
Tyre Nichols police beating video prompts faith leaders to react with grief, goals
Religious leaders reacted swiftly—with legislative appeals and collective grief—to the release of video footage of police offi...
After Roe, 50th March for Life a turning point for abortion protests
Frank Pavone, an anti-abortion activist who was until recently a Catholic priest, addressed a small crowd outside a Planned Pa...
New Congress has much higher percentage of Christians than US public
The religious makeup of the new Congress bucks the trends seen in American religious life, a new...
Faith groups focused on multiracial, multifaith voter protection ahead of midterms
Two years ago on Election Day, Lee May, pastor of Transforming Faith Church, a predominantly Black congregation in Stonecrest,...
Jonathan Lee Walton named next president of Princeton Seminary
Jonathan Lee Walton, an academician, preacher, and administrator who has served on the faculties of Wake Forest and Harvard di...
As monkeypox spreads, faith networks mobilize to fight stigma
Faith leaders from a range of religions are teaming up with World Health Organization officials to help prevent monkeypox as outbreaks of the disease occur across the globe.
...Ron Sider, evangelical activist, dies at 82
Ron Sider, an author, seminary professor and evangelical social justice activist, has died, according to an online update from...
Faith leaders attend celebration of gun control law
Faith leaders from a wide range of traditions, including those whose houses of worship have been attacked, were at the White House on July 11 as members of Congress and other gun control advocates ...
AME Church alleges former retirement services exec embezzled tens of millions
The African Methodist Episcopal Church has sued a former executive who oversaw its pension plan’s investment portfolio, charging that he and others embezzled money and defrauded AME clergy and chur...
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