Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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For about three and a half years, from 11th grade until the summer after my freshman year in college, I was convinced that I was going to be an engineer....
The psalm appointed for Sunday, despite my reservations expressed on Monday, is quite a piece of liturgica...
I’ll post on the lessons for Lent 1 for the rest of this week, but today my thoughts are focused on what to preach for Ash Wednesday in a parish I don’t know very well....
If you’ve spent much time on this blog, you’ll know that I think
rather highly of the collects (the prayers appointed for each Sunday) as
It seems as though every time I read a well known piece of scripture, I find something I had never seen before....
I believe in evil. I believe that evil has a face and hands and pulls a
lot of strings. I have too much experience of strange circumstances
It is 3:13 on Thursday afternoon and I still have eight sermons bouncing
around in my skull. I'm not so much worried about tomorrow, I'm certain
Last week we heard those iconic words from Micah 6:8, "What does the
Lord require but to do justice, love mercy, and to walk humbly with your
Three times in seven verses John translates a Hebrew word for his reader.
...In Paul's second letter to the church in Thessolonica he warns the
Christians there about hanging out with followers of Jesus who are
Since this seems to be "bare your soul week" at DT, I'm going to take the chance today to let you know that I prefer the beatitudes in Matthew over those found in Luke's text for this All Saints' D...
I'm beginning to think that Luke suffered from Macular Degeneration or
some other disease that slowly took away his ability to see. I have no
Today is September 15th, which for many of us is also known as the day
that 3rd quarter tax estimates are due. I hate paying quarterlies. I
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