Lois Huey-Heck
Lifted High
"For I know who guides my steps." Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch (www.pbsartist.com) gives credit to her faith as the inspiration for her art. Lifted High...
Vanishing Point
Artists and photographers—like prophets—have the ability to see what's around us with a particular depth of vision....
Each Blade of Grass
Each blade of grass, ev'ry wing that soars, the waves that sweep across
a distant shore, make full the circle of God. —Keri Wehlander
Sojourn 3 Sudan 2004
James Nicholls's photograph of a threshold in Sudan accentuates the deep grain of long-weathered wood. The lined hand resting gently on the old timber mirrors the lined wood and holds a rosary....
Light of the World
Light of the World is a digital photograph taken looking up at the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem....
A Quiet Place
At the heart of the 23-acre Naramata retreat center in British Columbia is a space for prayer, contemplation and celebration designed by architect Isabel Chen....
Brooklyn Angels
The Bible readings at the beginning of Lent say that after Jesus passed through the temptations in the wilderness, angels came to tend him....
Dust to Dust
Although abstract, Linda McCray's work is rich in symbolism: that of color (the blue-black of the void and the purple of Lent) and of material, with ash and sand from Jerusalem affecting both color...
Tapestry with Lord’s Prayer
In Lent we meet Jesus through stories about his teaching, his radical inclusion of the oppressed and marginalized and his acts of healing. We also meet Jesus in solitude and at prayer....
Cast Your Net Again
In Daniel Bonnell's Cast Your Net Again the fishing net teems with life and so does the whole image. The strong diagonals played against the organic water forms create a dynamic tension....
Megiddo and Hazor
Sandra Bowden's art is a meditation on time and eternity based on biblical and archaeological sources....
Circle of Promise
Synthia Saint James describes herself as a self-taught artist. She credits the Creator and her ancestry (African American, Native American, Haitian and German Jewish) for her artistic gifts....
Coptic Altar
Betty LaDuke of Ashland, Oregon, has spent decades traveling through the developing world....
Detail from Old Antonio / El Viejo Antonio
(from The Story of Colors / La Historia de los Colores*)