Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Ten Commandments and a Question, by Joel Silverstein
Joel Silverstein’s paintings can be deadly serious and deeply funny, often at the same time....
Sentinel VIII | Sentinel IX | Sentinel XII, by Aude Hérail Jäger
"More great than human, now, and more August, / New deified she from her fires does rise.” John Dryden wrote these optimistic words in 1666, in his poem Annus Mirabilis (The year of wonder...
Siona Benjamin’s images shimmer with jewel-toned depictions of goddesses, angels, historical figures, and anonymous immigrants....
The Space between the Choice, by Anjet van Linge
Anjet van Linge is an expert at remaining still. She and her husband manage a small working farm in the remote north of the Netherlands, along the North Sea....
Last Scapegoat—A Requiem, by Alfonse Borysewicz
Catholic painter Alfonse Borysewicz often takes inspiration from scriptural passages and liturgical rites....
David Baird’s artistic practice is intimately entwined with his work as an architect. He begins each day by painting, experimenting with countless geometric variations....
Study for MYDHA and Study for SYAH, by Tobi Kahn
Tobi Kahn is fascinated by the edges of abstraction....
Model for Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Portland, Maine, 2019 (in progress), by Robert Katz
The poetic language of Martin Luther King Jr. gave form and direction to the civil rights movement, and it has also given shape to many memorials erected in his memory....
Poor People’s Campaign 2018, by André Daughtry
In the summer of 2018, André Daughtry served as an official photographer for the Poor People’s Campaign during the 40 Days of Moral Action that took place in 38 state capitals....
First the days, then the twinkle, then the wings, and then the quiet, by R. Sawan White
There is a gentle poetry in R. Sawan White’s work....
The Celestial Ship of the North (Emergency Ark), aka the Barnboat, by Scott Hocking
Scott Hocking is equal parts scavenger, spelunker, and archaeologist....
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