Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
Here’s your Ash Wednesday story.
A mother carries her tiny daughter
With her as she gets ashed and the
Girl, curious and wriggly, squirms
Today’s remarkable vision: a woman in her bridal dress
Walking purposefully along the street. This was enough
Of an amazing sight by itself, but the determined stride,...
Walked out to the car this morning to find a small brown
Bird deceased on the windshield. A young song sparrow,
Neither naked gawky nestling nor chesty feathered elder;...
Novels that rattled and moved me in the last year or so include Anthony Doerr’s terrific World War II novel All the Light We Cannot See (Scribner)....
I was pawing through a shelf of books the other day
When out fell a note from my late brother in his tiny
Adamant wry inarguable crisp half-cursive-half-not ...
I board the airplane to see my parents. They live far away and long ago
And some years into the future; you never met such wry time machines...
I gave a rambling talk recently and a long line of teenagers came
Up to speak to me afterward and it was instantly clear that every...
Called the cemetery this morning to begin to plot
What happens to my mom and dad after they die.
Yes, I just wrote plot. My parents would smile at...
I was, no kidding, a visiting writer in a kindergarten recently,
And the children asked me many wry and hilarious questions,
From theological reflections to breaking religion news to the latest books, the Christian Century's newsletters have you covered.