Chris Herlinger
Soldiers' Bibles exhibit a walk through American history
c. 2012 Religion News Service NEW YORK (RNS) The simplicity of the exhibit -- copies of the Bible resting in glass cases -- can be deceptive.
...Dalai Lama wins Templeton for science-religion work
The Dalai Lama is best known for his commitment to Tibetan autonomy from China and his message of spirituality, nonviolence and peace that has made him a best-selling author and a speaker who can p...
Dalai Lama awarded 2012 Templeton Prize
New York (ENInews)--The Dalai Lama, already a Nobel Peace Prize laureate,
is the recipient of the 2012 Templeton Prize, often called the most
prestigious award in religion.
Don't lose sight of Middle East peace, U.S. religious leaders say
New York, (ENInews)--With world attention focused on tensions between Iran and Israel, a coalition of Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders are reminding U.S....
Rights advocates hail decision on former Salvadoran official
(ENInews)--Human rights advocates are hailing the decision by a U.S....
Egypt's humanitarian problems need addressing, say Christian representatives
New York, February 6 (ENInews)--Egyptian Christian humanitarian leaders say while politics and religion are garnering the most attention in their country right now, Egypt's serious humanitarian pro...
Renowned writer and polemicist Christopher Hitchens dies at age 62
New York, December 16 (ENInews)--Both opponents and advocates of religious faith are mourning the death of author, polemicist, and atheist Christopher Hitchens, who died 15 December after a long ba...
In Nairobi, treating HIV on an empty stomach
Nairobi, Kenya, November 30 (ENInews)--Dealing with HIV infection is hard enough, but the rise in food prices throughout the Horn of Africa has produced a new problem -- treating HIV on an empty st...
Three women activists take peace prizes
Leymah Gbowee, a Liberian activist who helped bring her country out of a brutal civil war and one of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winners, says the best way to achieve global peace is to start in loc...
Greek Orthodox rally to rebuild Ground Zero church
NEW YORK (RNS) With cries of "Rebuild now! Rebuild Now!" parishioners
and supporters of a Greek Orthodox church that was destroyed in the 9/11
Faith leaders praise goals in fighting AIDS
Religious leaders and representatives of faith-based organizations
are giving generally high marks to a United Nations AIDS meeting that
Religious leaders assess UN AIDS declaration
New York, June 13 (ENInews)--Religious leaders and representatives of faith-based organizations are giving generally high marks to a United Nations AIDS meeting that set new targets to combat the c...
After disaster
Methodists give $50,000 for massacre memorial
The United Methodist Church is making good on a pledge to support a
learning center at the western site of an 1864 massacre of Native
Americans led by a Methodist minister.
British astrophysicist wins Templeton Prize
A British theoretical astrophysicist who has achieved renown for his
study of the cosmos and for sounding warnings about the future of
U.S. Lenten campaign seeks to bolster dialogue about poverty
New York, March 15 (ENInews)--U.S. anti-poverty advocates have launched a 40-day Lenten campaign to put the issue of global poverty into sharper focus....
U.S. church leaders call for new Middle East peace efforts
New York, March 10 (ENInews)--Nearly two dozen U.S. Christian leaders are calling on the Obama administration to renew diplomatic efforts to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
...Applying Niebuhr’s ideas tough chore for academics
What happens when the contested legacy of America's most famous
20th-century theologian meets the harsh political realities of the 21st?