Beth Merrill Neel
Handing over what is not mine
The wound in his shoulder
Preaching resurrection in the middle of Lent
Flexibility and strength, at the gym and church
The kindness place
Busy, or full?
Help me, Baby Jesus—you’re my only hope!
A few recent conversations have gotten me to thinking about the large Load of Expectations people carry around with them this season. It’s a bit crazy making, really.
...Putting the vent back in Advent
A time to keep and a time to throw away
I have moved a lot, and by move, I mean pack up all of my belongings and take them out of one dwelling and unpack them in another dwelling....
10 tips for couples considering co-pastoring (and 10 for those hiring them)
My husband and I serve as co-pastors and heads of staff at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Portland, Oregon, each at two-thirds time. We are often asked about being married co-pastors by people considering this model. And we have more than a few reflections about it.
...Some things take a long time to heal
We were talking about health and mental health the other day in staff meeting, and I asked why mental health issues couldn’t just be called health issues....
Always the minister, never the bride
There is an "I" in worship
A few Sundays ago, as the deacons brought the offering up to the table and the congregation sang the Old 100th doxology, I found myself doing what I always do when singing that doxology: changing t...