James Sledge
The kingdom is like...
"The kingdom of heaven is like... The kingdom of heaven is like... The kingdom of heaven is like..." so says Jesus....
Salt, light and introverted congregations
For a variety of reasons, Christian faith in America tends to be a private and personal thing. Faith is what we believe, and that can be safely tucked away in our brain somewhere. In th...
Blame the messenger
God intrudes
Graham Standish wrote in one of his books about the typical church
meeting. The committee or governing board gathers. Someone offers a
Christ within
I think it is easy for modern people to read Paul and surmise that he
wishes we did not have to deal with physical bodies. To those of us
Not my people
"May I continue to find favor in your sight, my lord, for you have comforted me and spoken kindly to your
Pagans at the party
Growing up in the church, I knew all about the three wise men (although the
Bible doesn't actually say how many magi were there). But I'm not sure I
Gratitude and anxiety
Giving thanks is a fundamental act of faith. The Psalms are filled with
calls the give thanks and offer thanksgiving. "O Give thanks to the
Spiritual hiccups: Cast into hell
I readily admit that readings such as today's gospel make me a bit
uncomfortable. When Jesus starts talking about being "cast into hell"