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Mark Noll
Mark Noll teaches American religious history at the University of Notre Dame and is author of The New Shape of World Christianity: How American Experience Reflects Global Faith (InterVarsity Press).
Beyond plastic saints
Stories of Christians working in the world offer hope that heals.
November funeral
(In memoriam, Roger Lundin, 1949–2015)...
Religion and the Civil War
God's Almost Chosen Peoples: A Religious History of the American Civil War, by George C. Rable....
A review of A Gentler God
In 1986 Doug Frank published one of the most intriguing books in an outpouring of historical writing on American evangelical Protestants....
Somewhere Every Day
(after William Fullerton, “I cannot tell” 11 10 11 10 D)From South and East, from West and North they gather,...
Scots' Form in the Suburbs
The sedentary Presbyteriansawoke, arose, and filed to tables spreadwith white, to humble bits that showed how Godalmighty had decided to embrace...
Disciples of All Nations: Pillars of World Christianity
This book inaugurates a new series, Oxford Studies in World Christianity, to be edited by Lamin O. Sanneh....
Take and read
The splendid Cambridge History of Christianity rolls on with this wide-ranging and authoritative treatment o...
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Take and read
African Christianity: An African Story. Edited by Ogbu Kalu. Department of Church History, University of Pretoria, 631 pp. ...
Autumnal diary
Behold, I am sending forth many fishers, says the Lord, and they shall catch them....

Autumnal diary
For just this day I thank you, Lord—this daywhen in a new and lonely empty placeappeared a friend with whom I could retracethrough forty years an undeserved array...
Favorite poems
When George Herbert (1593-1633) was near death, he asked that the manuscript later published as The Temple be passed on to his friend Nicholas Ferrar....

Take and read
In one of the most important studies now available for exploring the modern world expansion of Christianity, J. D. Y....