Authors /
Brian Volck
Brian Volck is a pediatrician who has published a volume of poetry, Flesh Becomes Word, and a memoir, Attending Others: A Doctor’s Education in Bodies and Words.
An Iris for Etty
“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” ...
Labor, land, and racism
Fifty years later, Wendell Berry revisits the themes he introduced in The Hidden Wound.
Rowan Williams weaves theological reflection and poetry into drama
Shakeshafte and Other Plays explores the messiness of language and meaning.
How the American opioid crisis got so big
Two journalists unpack the history, the scale of the epidemic, and who’s to blame
Evolution heals
Peanut allergies are rare in Africa, where children are exposed early and often to a variety of microbes that we might regard as old friends.
Medicine and Religion, by Gary B. Ferngren
At the hospital where I work, families may form relationships with pastoral care staff—but they come for our clinical competence in medicine. Gary Ferngren points out how new and odd this is.
Peter Singer and Christian Ethics, by Charles C. Camosy
Charles Camosy's task is audacious: as a Catholic moral theologian, he thoughtfully engages the work of the controversial and often condemned ethicist Peter Singer.
Science without wonder
Marilynne Robinson's first nonfiction volume since The Death of Adam is demanding and elegant. Readers expecting a defense of
theism against the new atheist fundamentalism, however, will be
Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Well-Being
In science, as in most things, what one concludes depends on what one as sumes....
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What the Thunder Said: A Novella and Stories
Janet Peery’s work is reminiscent of Marilynne Robinson’s: intimate studies rich in character, spare in incident, powerfully rendered...