Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
Women posing problems
In the gospels and in the world today, women get in the way and make the world new.
An evangelical scholar reads scripture through Artemis
Sandra Glahn shows how the Greek goddess’s prestige influenced the portrayal of women in Ephesians and 1 Timothy.
Trending topics: Exvangelical women’s memoirs
Five new memoirs by women who left evangelicalism
Alice McDermott’s tale of American Catholics in Vietnam
What is the kindest, least condescending help that privileged Christians can offer to the wider world?
The artistic vision of Jesus
Aaron Rosen finds that Jesus looks at the world the way artists see their subjects.
A multitude of ways to love the earth
Mallory McDuff’s anthology centers non-White voices and women’s narratives in the climate justice conversation.
Episode 29: Zack Hunt, author of Godbreathed
A conversation with Zack Hunt about his book Godbreathed, God as She, imperfections/contradictions in the Bible, and much more
Episode 28: Historian Beth Allison Barr, author of The Making of Biblical Womanhood
A conversation with Beth Allison Barr about Paul’s writings about women, Reformation theology, being a pastor’s wife, and more
In witness to a wilting world
Tishani Doshi’s poetic voice dwells between the scriptural and the cultural, between lesson and observation.
The gender identity of God—and Jesus
Amy Peeler offers a great resource for Christians who have struggled to understand God’s call to women.
Women after incarceration
Anthropologist Jorja Leap bears witness to the struggles of women reentering society through programs designed for men.
What does it mean to be a woman who doesn’t want children?
Erin Lane challenges maternal exceptionalism and its myths.
A dinner party where women talk food
Alissa Wilkinson imagines Maya Angelou hosting Hannah Arendt, Octavia Butler, Laurie Colwin, and others.
by Amy Frykholm
Grace Ji-Sun Kim’s theology of visibility
When Asian American women are rendered invisible, the whole church is diminished.
A manifesto for middle age
Kaya Oakes seeks the wisdom of women who are young, old, crazy, barren, butch, femme, angry, other, and alone
I can’t take my eyes off Jean Smart
In Hacks and Mare of Easttown, it’s thrilling to watch an aging woman on screen.
What do fertility rates have to do with secularization?
A lot, says Philip Jenkins—but it’s not as simple as cause and effect.
“Why didn’t Jesus come as a woman?” asked my daughter
I didn’t know how to answer, but I do know that the gendering of God has real-world consequences.
by Debie Thomas