Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Silence in the face of mystery
God is the encounter we can't control.
by Rowan Williams
Alienated from our own beauty
Sin distorts the reciprocity for which God made us.
by Debra Dean Murphy
Our voices, ourselves
The voice contains the power of breath, part divine and part human.
by Peder Jothen
The Musée de l'Homme has a new look. It asks timeless questions.
by S. Brent Plate
Elizabeth Gandolfo's first book is not just an anthropology. Its more daring and abidingly important gift is a statement about God.
by Lauren F. Winner
Is there any chance that people will not sin?
by Charles Hefling
I dreamed of meeting Adam in heaven. He wasn't hard to recognize; he looked like my great-uncle Harold, with the weight of his years melted off.
by Carol Zaleski