Where is my love to go?
Imagine God asking that question. You’ll get an insight into God’s heart.
by Samuel Wells
The resource we most need during the coronavirus pandemic is human relationship
Looking for signs of hope when social distancing keeps us apart
In Russian Doll, Nadia and Alan are dying to learn how to live
Nadia denies that her journey is about morality, but it is.
Spiritual cul-de-sac: How the church fails the divorced
Divorce is a time when we most need our brothers and sisters in faith. Yet churches and clergy often ignore divorcing people.
Wired together: How our brains are connected
Our brains are wired to allow us to read each other's minds, to feel each other's person.
by Andrew Root
Yes, but relationships form us
Matt Yglesias is right that public policy must deal with the broad abstractions of the common good, not just with issues that affect lawmakers personally. And Anne Thériault is certainly right that a woman's value, dignity and rights are not contingent on who cares about her personally.
Still, both posts seem too dismissive of the role personal relationships play in our formation, our view of the world, our very personhood.