public health
Title 42’s disastrous—and illegal—legacy at the southern border
The Biden administration has reversed Trump’s rhetoric around migrants but not all of his policies.
The coronavirus lockdown was doomed before the mass protests began
Its demise came from the same system that killed George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.
Three women in Cleveland who are serving the most vulnerable
Yvonka Hall, Yvonne Pointer, and Frances Mills are beacons of hope in the face of racial disparities.
Containing Ebola
Behind the Ebola epidemic are issues of basic health care. Combating it involves fairly basic public health measures and education.
Pot and public health
The "war on drugs" approach to marijuana has had major costs. But the dawning era of legal marijuana presents its own set of public health problems.
The end of AIDS? Gains and challenges in fighting HIV: Gains and challenges in fighting HIV
At the International AIDS Conference, one thing was clear: even if a cure is found, the struggle against the virus will continue.
by Paul Jeffrey
Junk food epidemic
Eliminating food deserts isn’t enough. The nation’s diet problem calls for sustained community attention--and better federal policy.
Do grain subsidies make Americans consume more calories?
Christopher Shea highlights a new study that analyzes the effect of U.S. grain and soy subsidies on the American diet. The study's abstract leads with its contrarian, we're-taking-on-Michael-Pollan angle:
Many commentators have speculated that agricultural policies have
contributed to increased obesity rates in the United States, yet such
claims are often made without any analysis of the complex links between
real-world farm commodity support programs, prices and consumption of
foods, and caloric intake.