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Mitri Raheb takes on Christian Zionists (even the liberal ones)
The Palestinian theologian challenges Christians to examine their feelings about Israel—and to ask what their faith has to do with these feelings.
A Palestinian evangelical’s supersessionism
Munther Isaac’s critique of the Israeli government is perfectly fair. But why does he also need to critique Judaism?
by John E. Phelan Jr.
The religious aspect of the Israel-Palestine conflict
by Yonat Shimron
There is a sharp contrast between West Jerusalem and mostly Arab East Jerusalem. Along this political and economic divide, violence has erupted.
by Mordechai Beck
Padraig O'Malley is not the first scholar to call the two-state approach a failed paradigm. Yet where others suggest an alternative, O'Malley remains in the deconstructing stage.
reviewed by Alain Epp Weaver
“Two things about my own life became clear: I really did understand both sides, and I didn’t understand them at all.”
by Amy Frykholm