mass shooting
The mass shooting in Buffalo was an attack on the image of God
And it was enabled by social structures of permission.
Finding a way forward after the Tree of Life synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh
A collection of remembrances that bind the living and the dead
Two years after my husband survived the Tree of Life shooting, I’m still figuring out how to tell the story
How do you construct a narrative in the aftermath of communal trauma?
Christ against trolling
The New Zealand shooter, meme culture, and alienation from meaning
A child’s faith before and after Sandy Hook
Tain Gregory was new to Sandy Hook Elementary School when the mass shooting happened, but the faith that helped him respond had been a long time in the making.
God's hands that stop gun violence
What if we did the work of God in the world?
A baptism in a world of violence
When I parked the minivan in the church lot, it still sounded like the type of horror we have had no choice but to become stoic about: 20 dead in a bar, as many more wounded, a dead shooter and a thicket of questions. By the time I returned it had become something different.
Blue hearts
On Sunday I attended a worship service at which the air was heavy with a sense of loss. But I saw the church being the church at its best.