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Faith leaders attend celebration of gun control law
by Adelle M. Banks and Jack Jenkins
Interfaith leaders join protest outside NRA meeting
by Katherine Keenan
Uvalde school shooting: faith leaders call for reform of gun laws
by Religion News Service staff
Ten true stories about guns in America
A gun shaped like a phone. A Hello Kitty rifle. Cities that require you to own a gun.
by Shane Claiborne and Michael Martin
Guns are Americans’ golden calf
What began as respect for the Second Amendment has morphed into a colossal idolatry of lethal weapons.
by Peter W. Marty
President Obama is furious that legislators lack the will to address gun violence. But there are steps he could take without them.
Philosopher Firmin DaBrabander has written a judicious exposition of the crisis of guns in our society. He pays particular attention to the ideology, claims, and consequences of the NRA.
by Walter Brueggemann