Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
James Kenneth Echols, first African American Lutheran seminary president, dies at age 67
Richard J. Perry Jr., a professor emeritus at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, called Echols “a giant in the world of theological education.”
Luther Seminary to pilot two-year M.Div.
The M.Div.X program hopes to train innovative church leaders—with no student debt, says seminary president Robin J. Steinke.
Accidental Saints, by Nadia Bolz-Weber
Readers who found Pastrix to be a long, cool drink will find more refreshment here. Those who have tired of Nadia Bolz-Weber's cranky schtick will tire of it here as well.
reviewed by Valerie Weaver-Zercher
Shut up and learn
Under Ruben Duran's leadership, the ELCA has started an array of worshiping communities in homes and bars and on the streets and in train stations.
Ways to be Lutheran: New churches experiment with polity
Since 2000, nearly 500,000 ELCA members have left to form two new bodies. These churches are organizing themselves along new patterns.