Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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The gifts of black youth
"Teens have the ability to do theological reflection and to connect their faith to issues of justice."
David Heim interviews Almeda M. Wright
The cool piety of young Muslim hip-hop fans
John O'Brien brings readers into teenage boys' frustrations and laughter as they struggle to integrate their different worlds.
by Abbas Chinoy
Encounters with God happen, and they are known by their liberating effects. How can confirmation class support such encounters?
by Jan Schnell Rippentrop
David McCullough Jr.’s view of narcissism is a familiar one among the professional classes. As an angle on our age, Elizabeth Lunbeck finds it blinding.
by Eric Miller
Despite bleak forecasts, many of today’s teenagers refuse to buy the marketed temptations to despair and fear. They’ll find a way.
by M. Craig Barnes
reviewed by Steve A. Vineberg