Tonight at 8 pm EST, Katelin Hansen will interview me about my new book, Trouble I've Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism, which released in January. I am humbled by the feedback and responses I am getting about the book. And it remains the #1 new release in Christian Ethics on Amazon. I hope you will consider joining this important conversation tonight.
Questions can be submitted through Google+'s Q&A app, comments on the live YouTube stream, or through Twitter (I think #TroubleIveSeen & #MennoNerds). The recording will be available later on the MennoNerds YouTube and podcast feeds.
This is what Publisher's Weekly said about the book,
In this emotionally wrenching yet accessible book, Hart—theologian and minister—provides an overview of the systemic racism that nonwhite people, particularly African-Americans, face in the U.S. today, as well as the responses of Bible-based Christian theology. Hart uses a mixture of personal anecdotes, research, and explications of Jesus’s New Testament teachings to show that the church has not provided racial justice. Hart’s voice is friendly and warm, despite the heaviness of the subject matter, and once the problem has been thoroughly outlined and dissected, he presents practical suggestions and a call to action for Christians. . . the book has a savvy and balanced blend of the topics that should serve as a useful introduction for Christians of all races who haven’t yet understood the full scope of the problem and been inspired to enact change.
Hope you are able to join in.
Drew G. I. Hart is a PhD candidate in theology, part-time professor, writer, and activist with ten years of pastoral experience. He speaks regularly in churches, colleges, and conferences, and his first book Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism (Herald Press, January 2016) makes antiracism theory and theology accessible in hopes of transforming our witness in society. He and his family live in Philadelphia. You can find him on twitter @DruHart and on his Facebook page, and his book is available on amazon.
Drew G. I. Hart
Drew G. I. Hart is an author and professor in theology and ethics. His blog Taking Jesus Seriously is hosted by the Century.
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