lectionary. In my last church, where I served for 4 years, we also used
the lectionary. I like the lectionary and understand its strengths, of
which there are many. I considered it a spiritual discipline to have
to think about different texts that I might normally not use to preach
on and think about what I would say.
Now I know that one of the arguments for why the lectionary should
be used is that it forces us to have to cover texts we otherwise would
not preach on. But, since there are always at least four selections,
most of the time I could avoid some troublesome texts, and have found
that most preachers do as well. As an example, in the three churches I
have now preached to, I have used the Jacob stories found during the
summer in year A. But, in all of those churches most people said they
had never heard a sermon preached on Jacob, so I know other ministers
are just skipping over those passages they would rather not cover.