What is the Bible for?

To script a people’s performance of shalom

What’s the Bible for? We asked dozens of writers to respond to this question in seven words or less, as well as to expand on their response in a few sentences. To see all of the responses together as they are posted, bookmark this page.

To script a people’s performance of shalom

Neither rule book for gatekeeping nor field guide for an imagined apocalypse, the Bible scripts a community’s enactment of a strange, improbable story of divine-human encounter. The undoing of violence and the givenness of peaceableness are its plot points as well as its telos. The liturgy provides the Bible’s context and coherence, as bread and wine make alive in those gathered the Word who interprets the word for all.

Debra Dean Murphy

Debra Dean Murphy is associate professor of religion at West Virginia Wesleyan College and author of Happiness, Health, and Beauty: The Christian Life in Everyday Terms.

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