Beth LaNeel Tanner becomes dean at New Brunswick Theological Seminary
She will continue as professor of Old Testament at the school, one of two Reformed Church in America seminaries.

Beth LaNeel Tanner was appointed dean of academic affairs at New Brunswick Theological Seminary.
She will serve for three years in the role at the school, one of two seminaries affiliated with the Reformed Church in America. She will also continue as professor of Old Testament interpretation.
Tanner is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and has served in several congregations. A scholar specializing in the psalms of lament, she is the author of The Psalms for Today, among other books.
“She brings to the position of dean a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the seminary faculty, a legacy of successful academics at NBTS, and a deep love and involvement in the local church,” NBTS president Micah L. McCreary said in a statement. —New Brunswick Theological Seminary