Environmental faith groups laud Pope Francis's new climate exhortation

Italian physicist and Nobel Prize winner Giorgio Parisi, second from write at table, speaks during a news conference to present Pope Francis's latest letter on the environment on October 5. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
Catholic organizations and other faith-based groups pushing for global action on climate change are celebrating Pope Francis’s new apostolic exhortation on the environment, a sequel of sorts to his 2015 encyclical that some said “highlights the stark realities” of a climate crisis that only gets graver in the pontiff’s view.
Unlike the pope’s earlier encyclical, which offered a sweeping overview of various scientific and economic causes of climate change, the new, 12-page Laudate Deum, unveiled on Wednesday to coincide with the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, focuses on what Francis argues are the persistent failures of global governments to respond to global warming over the past eight years.
“With the passage of time, I have realized our responses have not been adequate, while the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point,” Francis writes, later noting that the world’s poor are most likely to be impacted by the ravages of climate change.
The Catholic Climate Covenant, a group dedicated to helping people “care for creation and care for the poor,” lauded Francis’ newest writing as timely, pointing to hurricanes and wildfires that ravaged the US and other parts of the globe this summer—natural disasters scientists believe are made worse by climate change.
“Eight years ago, Pope Francis rang a clear alarm bell for humanity to wake up and protect our common home. Instead, many of us pushed the snooze button. As this summer has shown, and as Laudate Deum emphasizes, we no longer have time to spare,” Jose Aguto, executive director of Catholic Climate Covenant, said.
“Either we wake up now, or we will doom our Common Home, our Earth, its most vulnerable inhabitants, and all future generations. For people of faith, this apostolic exhortation reminds us that to praise God we must honor his creation and give hope to the future.”
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops was more subdued, noting in a statement that the group’s president, Archbishop Timothy Broglio, is currently participating in the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican. The statement added that Broglio and other bishops “look forward to spending time with the exhortation in prayer and identifying ways to continue their shared witness on behalf of God’s creation.”
But in the introduction to Laudate Deum, Francis made sure to refer to a 2019 USCCB declaration on climate change, commending the US bishops for having “expressed very well” the “social meaning of our concern about climate change.” The USCCB has also issued statements in support of climate-focused legislation, such as President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, and criticized Supreme Court decisions that limited the power of the US Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.
But at the individual level, US bishops are better known for activism that focuses on voicing opposition to abortion and LGBTQ rights efforts, sometimes drawing fire for ignoring Francis’ push for action on climate change.
Although China remains the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide by a significant margin, Francis singled out the US in Laudate Deum, arguing Western nations need to do more to reduce their emissions.
“If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact,” Francis writes.
US Catholics overall appear to support aspects of Francis’s message. A new PRRI poll released on Wednesday found that, among major religious subgroups, Hispanic Catholics are tied for first with the religiously unaffiliated in their willingness to say climate change is caused mostly by human activity (75 percent for both). White Catholics are further down the list, but a majority—56 percent—still cite humans as the chief cause of climate change.
Even so, there has been relatively little movement among Catholics when it comes to Francis’s view that climate change poses an immediate existential threat. Between 2014 and 2023, the number of Hispanic Catholics who view climate change as a crisis shifted from 28 percent to 31 percent, according to PRRI. Among White Catholics, the number rose from 16 percent to 20 percent.
And while the religiously unaffiliated saw the most dramatic shift in that time (33 percent in 2014 compared with 43 percent in 2023), no group in the poll reported a majority who view it as a crisis.
Catholic Relief Services, the USCCB’s overseas aid agency, was more effusive in their praise of Francis’s new letter. In a statement, the group said Laudate Deum rightly centers the plight of the vulnerable and called the document a “rallying cry for the crucial policy work needed” to blunt the impacts of climate change.
Representatives of non-Catholic groups also celebrated Francis’s new letter.
In a statement, Susan Hendershot, president of Interfaith Power and Light, a faith-based environmental organization, said people of faith are called to care for the earth and for their neighbors.
“Once again, Pope Francis helps us to recognize the connection between the economy, those who have been historically marginalized, and our Common Home. He also calls us to recognize that we are not powerless to act, and to live out our spiritual values in ways that will heal the earth and provide hope to its people everywhere,” she said.
Myal Greene, head of World Relief, the humanitarian arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, called the document a “powerful call to look beyond traditional points of division and polarization and pursue a pathway for creation care that embraces care for our vulnerable neighbors around the world—an integral part of God’s creation.”
Greene was echoed by Tori Goebel, a national organizer and spokesperson for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, who expressed hope Laudate Deum could help inspire evangelical leaders “to take bold, faith-rooted climate action for the health and wellbeing of God’s creation and our communities.”
That would be a significant shift: Whereas Francis argues in Laudate Deum that “it is no longer possible to doubt the human … origin of climate change,” the PRRI survey found only 31 percent of White evangelical Protestants say they believe climate change is mostly caused by human activity such as burning fossil fuels—the lowest percentage of any faith group polled. White evangelicals are also the most likely (19 percent) to say there is no solid evidence that climate change is happening.
Even so, Goebel remains optimistic.
“Laudato si’ has been deeply meaningful for many young evangelicals, and we are encouraged to see continued calls for action that are directly tied to our Biblical mandates to care for creation and love our neighbors,” Goebel said. “Laudate Deum highlights the stark realities of the climate crisis and reminds us that care for our common home is directly related to justice and life itself.” —Religion News Service