Barnyard dance: Farming that honors animals
Biblical therapy: Southern Baptists reject "pastoral counseling"'
It was not a big surprise in 2005 when Southern Baptist Theological Seminary announced that it was making a “wholesale change” in its counseling program. The Louisville school, flagship seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention, declared that it was jettisoning the “pastoral counseling” model in favor of “biblical counseling.”
The switch was foreshadowed three years earlier when Southern’s dean coauthored a resolution at the SBC’s annual convention on “The Sufficiency of Scripture in a Therapeutic Culture.”
Advice and dissent: An address at West Point
Bill Moyers delivered the Sol Feinstone Lecture on "The Meaning of Freedom” at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, on November 15, 2006. The following is an excerpt.
Parallel universe
The year: 1944. The place: a makeshift military encampment in the verdant countryside outside of Madrid, where a company of Spanish soldiers is methodically eliminating the few remaining resistance fighters trying to topple the fascist government of General Franco. The resistance fighters are fueled by the belief that with the landing on D-Day, the Americans will take down Franco as well as Hitler. They are wrong.
Enough already
Us, them and the Crusades
Mysteries of the Middle Ages
Slow Man/Philosophy Made Simple
The Politics of Jesus
Let them grunt: Showering cheap grace on sweating sinners
True patriot: A voice of reason and common sense
Life on the outside: A departure from get-tough-on-crime
Grandma McCann's neighborhood: Hungering for community and care
Film picks: Recommended movies from 2006
Reuniting Reformed churches would stir discord, study says: Leaders urge continuing increase in shared works
Church growth keys: Multiracial, happy, more males active: Study notes factors in decline or expansion
Mormons agree to no LDS proxy baptism of Simon Wiesenthal: As requested by Jewish human rights organization
Williams: Iraq War moves were "flawed." Criticizes "short-sighted" policies
Saddam's execution decried by WCC, Rome. Punishing "a crime with another crime": Punishing "a crime with another crime"
Century Marks
High calling: When Harris Interactive took its annual poll in 2006 measuring the prestige granted different professions, the top three were firefighters, doctors and nurses. Clergy came in eighth, behind scientists, teachers, military officers and police officers. Ministers have declined in prestige only 1 percentage point since 1977, when the survey began. Firefighters weren’t even included in the survey before 2003 (Calling, Winter).