How scripture speaks: Brevard Childs (1923-2007)
Brevard Childs, one of the leading Old Testament scholars of the 20th century and a biblical theologian of international renown, continued to publish major new works right up until his death on June 23. His magnum opus was undoubtedly Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments (Fortress, 1993).
Elusive communion: The Anglican conversation on sexuality
The conflict in the Anglican Communion over homosexuality is usually represented as a split between the U.S., British and Canadian churches on the one hand and the rest of the Anglican world on the other. Often cited is the 2004 statement issued at a meeting in Nigeria by the Anglican Primates of the Global South, representing 18 Anglican provinces. The primates declared their “unequivocal opposition to the unilateral decision” by the Episcopal Church in the U.S. to consecrate as a bishop a man living in a same-sex partnership.
Peace dividend: Post-tsunami hope in Indonesia
As the sun rises over Kuala Bubon, Wadi begins mending his fishing nets. Soon he is accompanied by the sound of hammering that echoes across the lagoon where dozens of brightly painted new boats are moored. Two and a half years after the tsunami ravaged this village on the southwest coast of Indonesia’s remote Aceh province, life has begun again and peace has flourished. “It has taken a while, but after so many long years of war and suffering, the wait was worth it,” says Wadi, who like many Indonesians uses only one name.
Addictive behavior: Pastors and pornography
According to many Christian groups, pornography is a disturbing and increasing problem. A Promise Keepers survey found that 53 percent of its members consume pornography. A 2000 Christianity Today survey found that 37 percent of pastors said pornography is a “current struggle” of theirs. Fifty-seven percent called pornography the most sexually damaging issue for their congregations. A Barna Research Group study released in February 2007 said that 35 percent of men and 17 percent of women reported having used pornography in the past month.
Sound alternatives
David Bowie called them his favorite iPod download. U2 used their song “Wake Up” as the walk-on anthem for their last tour. Coldplay and David Byrne are unabashed fans. Not bad for a band that just debuted its second album.
Constantine's Bible: Politics and the Making of the New Testament
The Spirit Poured Out on All Flesh: Pentecostalism and the Possibility of Global Theology
Selected Poems
'Follow me'
Dumbed down
According to Stephen Prothero, America is both “deeply religious and profoundly ignorant about religion.” Personal belief in God remains high. Americans say that their convictions shape their public behaviors, and most support the idea of religious organizations participating in public policy issues. Yet surveys show that the majority of Americans cannot name even one of the four Gospels. Only one-third know that it was Jesus who delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and 10 percent think that Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife.
American habits
Longing for ecstasy
Rocking-chair reading: So little time
Local knowledge: When gay people are already in ministry
The arms deal: More weapons for the Middle East
Little red book: A blessed rage for order
Religious leaders urge release of remaining Korean hostages: WCC head visits families
Church sanctuary refugee deported to Mexico: Elvira Arellano
SBC pastor backs Huckabee, takes on Americans United: Wiley Drake's imprecatory prayer
China claims right to select next Dalai Lama: Present Dalai Lama may find successor in India
Blackberry-dependent at home and in church: E-mail addiction
Briefly noted
Century Marks
Foiled by do-gooders: After a man robbed a bank in Marietta, Georgia, one Saturday morning, he attempted to blend into a group of volunteers outside a church who were unloading food for distribution to other churches. When he started losing bills tucked under his shirt, two of the volunteers confronted the robber and held him until police arrived (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, August 12).