Ending extreme poverty: Economist Ana Revenga
Riffing on a prayer: Jazz vespers every week in San Diego
Except ye see signs and wonders
At the threshold: Why I left the ordination process
Populist fever: Anger at the democratic deficit
Can hunger end?
The binding constraint on progress against hunger and malnutrition is weak political commitment.
The Year of Lear, by James Shapiro
From our 21st-century perch, William Shakespeare seems more reclusive than ever.
Too good for this world
If your mother is drowning in one location and two strangers in another, should you save your mother or the two strangers?
A diverse communion
Ebenezer Kinnersly illustrates the depth of the controversy over outward manifestations of inner religious experience.
Glorify, by Emily C. Heath
United Church of Christ pastor and blogger Emily Heath is a self-described binary-smashing, trinitarian, gender-nonconforming Reformed theologian.
The mysteries of young Augustine
Confessions is not primarily about Augustine at all; it is about God’s activity in the particularity of Augustine’s life.