The room in the firehouse
Scene at the table: A disruption on Maundy Thursday
Marching with prophets: Selma and the rise of an advocacy style
Appetite: Essays by readers
Divine contractions: Gods labor, our deliverance
Credible fears: Central American women seek asylum
Feasting on the Word, by David L. Bartlett and Carol Bartlett
Latino Pentecostals in America, by Gastón Espinosa
Histories of U.S. Pentecostalism have long focused on two narratives: black and white. Gastón Espinosa looks instead at Latino Pentecostals.
The Death of the Messiah and the Birth of the New Covenant, by Michael J. Gorman
For there to be a heresy about the cross, there would have to be an orthodoxy about it. Michael Gorman argues that contentions over how Jesus saves lead to an inadequate grasp of what the Passion means and does.
Short Stories by Jesus, by Amy-Jill Levine
Reading Amy-Jill Levine's Short Stories by Jesus, I kept wishing she had published it earlier. It would have saved me some mistakes in the pulpit.
40 Days with the Holy Spirit, by Jack Levison
Found in translation
George Steiner said that "the translator invades, extracts, and brings home." In this remarkable volume, Everett Fox does all of this.