Love abides: The posture of faithfulness
"Love never ends,” St. Paul writes in the lesson we read from 1 Corinthians 13. Or, put more positively, “love abides.” What does that really mean—to say that “love abides”? Or, indeed, what possible sense could it make to say this in a world in which the truth so clearly seems to be that love quite often does not abide?

Left to the end: Socialist in the wilderness
The Other American: The Life of Michael Harrington, by Maurice Isserman. ...

An unfolding creation
God after Darwin: A Theology of Evolution, by John Haught...

Praying Twice, by Brian Wren
In one of his earliest hymns, Brian Wren wrote that "we will not question or refuse the way you work, the means you choose, the pattern you weave." Yet in the 40 years since he wrote this ver...

The Poets' Jesus, by Peggy Rosenthal
Edwin Mims published The Christ of the Poets, an examination of images of Christ in English and American poetry, more than 50 years ago....

At the Corner of East and Now, by Frederica Mathewes-Green
This book journeys into what, for many Western readers, are unchartered waters. Frederica Mathewes-Green writes about Eastern Orthodoxy as an active layperson and wife of an Orthodox priest....
Headline news
Readers send us instances in which misused words, typographical errors or strange turns of phrase provoke chuckles. The backlog of these is large, a fact that makes it possible for me to dip into the pile to illustrate almost any kind of point....
Summer reading
Though neither of my parents had a college education, I learned from them the joy of reading....
Family divide: Who is my sister?
Compared to the usual formalities of ecumenical conversations, which include carefully worded assurances of mutual regard, the statement last month from the Vatican on the proper use of the term “sister churches” was exceedingly blunt....
To protect children
In 1968, when the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the National Association of Theater Owners (NATO) developed the motion picture rating system, they were working with a moviegoing environment that knew nothing about the home video...